Intuitively, and reasoning by exercise: coming to conclusions

I imagine in reverie, a discussion with Professor Kahneman, that he said, “there’s no reasonable, sound judgement in intuitions. It takes complete reasonable exercise in thought to determine important answers.”

Well kudos! to the professor. I see a True
North bearing heading our way that employs scholars to provide reasonable, complete answers.

Sound arguments, exercising reason (as Hobbes would enjoy heartedly). These scholars would send their complete works to computer programming for the software of AI Tool.

Questions asked, AI, by God, comes up with the Ultimate Answer.

And the Human User checks it’s content entirely for context in the immediate moment, near- future, and agreement or disagreements with forecasts for future events.

Looking at the usual correct analysis, looking for the unusual which may or may not be problems that are not studied by the scholars, and may need to have more research done utilizing AI Tool search engines. Collecting from AI Tool Analysis in their Department intranet, it’s assessment of a subject, it’s reasoning on the hypothetical situation.

And learnt conclusions signed by the scholars and User; mentored by imaginative envisioning of the deceased historian and diplomat, George F. Kennan, in live action (dynamically)–his conclusions appropriate for the times and careful, assessed strategies for the 21st Century.

Let us have AI Tool; and not a rogue AI Virus, destroying our thinking, our faculties, our consciousness.

AI Tool, then.

Abraham Boulder

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